Shared focus status
Shared focus status

shared focus status
  1. Shared focus status update#
  2. Shared focus status Patch#

Returning to craft from VAB causes craft to go underground (possibly related to Kerbals and landed vehicles dropping through terrain while being approached).Next week, Chris Adderley will be posting a dev blog entry describing the aero occlusion saga. Certain inline parts cause aerodynamic drag numbers to spike.

shared focus status

If it is in fact fixed, it will make its way into the update)

Shared focus status update#

Trajectories change when vehicles cross SOI boundariesĮngineers believe they understand the cause of this issue and are working on a comprehensive solution (at time of writing, there is a rumor that we've fixed this, but this news is so hot off the presses that I won't update the status quite yet.This change will likely not make it into v0.1.3.0 update, but we know what’s wrong and the steps to fixing it are well understood. A system is now being crafted to prevent orbital velocity changes when a vehicle is not under thrust. The outcome of this is that orbital parameters can change due to all of this subtle wiggling. We’ve figured out what’s going on here: when an orbiting vehicle is not under on-rails time warp, the effects of minor joint fluctuations within the vehicle rigidbody cause tiny but cumulatively significant changes to the vehicle’s velocity. Vehicles in stable coasting orbits sometimes experience orbit instability/decay.We have seen movement on most of the items in our top 10 list this week! It’s very exciting:

Shared focus status Patch#

As always, we’ll share detailed patch notes before the update goes live. As we near that date, we should have more confidence about release timing, as well as more details about exactly what fixes and changes will be present in the update. We’re currently aiming for a June 20 update, but as usual I’ll hedge a bit by pointing out that QA always makes the final determination about whether the final build is release-ready. The Intercept Games office is buzzing with activity as we submit our last check-ins for the upcoming v0.1.3.0 update and QA puts all the changes through their paces.

Shared focus status